Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowAlso, she was noticed by playing an hermaphrodite in a 1998 guest shot in the off-beat crime thriller "Good Guys Bad Guys." As she filmed her character in the role of a traveler who is stranded on an unimaginable globe in "Pitch black" (2000) The actor was expected to help in the reading of auditions in a sci-fi show to be produced in Australia. Agents for casting thought she was perfect for the role despite the fact that producers would prefer to use an American actor. Black produced a recording which was later sent to Sydney to try out for the role and got the role of Aeryn Sun in "Farscape." She played the character in a tough and strong manner, yet she also displayed a close sexual connection with Co-star Ben Browder who played human astronaut John Crichton. Aeryn became an increasingly interesting and likable character. Black gained legions fans. Black continued to voice over on TV, in movies, and video games after the end of the show. In the wake of a frequent appearance on "The Originals" , Black returned to series television in the thriller "Containment" An exotic looking brunette with a sultry force and an edgy atmosphere, Australian actress Claudia Black was a hit with fans due to her co-starring role as Aeryn Sun who is a commando pilot, trained to keep her mood in check, in "Farscape" (Sci-Fi channel in 1999-2003). Black, a Sydney born performer was crowned the winner of the Globe Shakespeare Competition in 1990 and toured Europe playing the role of Portia in the play "The Merchant of Venice."


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